City Staff
City Manager/Planning | Ext. 101 | |
Executive Assistant | Ext. 102 | |
Communication Specialist/Front Desk | Ext. 100 | |
City Recorder/Passports | Ext. 503 | |
Finance Director | Ext. 401 | |
Finance Analyst (Payables) | Ext. 402 | |
Accounting Associate (Utility Accounts) | Ext. 400 | |
Public Works Director | Ext. 202 | |
Public Works Assistant | Ext. 200 | |
Building Assistant | Ext. 204 | |
Parks Supervisor | ||
Public Works After-Hours Emergency (water, sewer, roads) | 801-420-2243 | Call 911 for other emergencies |
Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer | Ext. 204 | |
Business Licensing | Ext. 504 | |
Recreation Director | Ext. 601 | |
Recreation Coordinator | Ext. 302 | |
Youth Theater Coordinator | ||
Vista Room Events Manager | Ext. 300 | |
Golf Operations Manager | Ext. 603 | |
Golf Superintendent |
Mayor & City Council
Mayor Denise Andersen | 801-785-9668 ext. 151 | |
Mike Geddes | 801-787-8238 | |
Kelly Smith | 801-663-4254 | |
Laura Ellison | 972-672-2830 | |
Bob Morgan | 801-633-8252 | |
Erika Price | 801-691-4937 |
Utah State Government
House (District 65)
Senate (District 27)
Congress (3rd District)
Safety Services
EMERGENCY (fire, medical, police) | 911 |
Non-Emergency Dispatch (24-hour service) | 801-794-3970 |
Police (American Fork) | 801-763-3020 |
Animal Control (American Fork) | 801-763-3020 |
Deer Removal within Cedar Hills – Call the Division of Wildlife Services (DWR) | 801-491-5678 |
Deer Removal on Canyon Road – Call Eco Life | 435-283-6002 |
Rocks on S.R. 146 (Canyon Road) and S.R. 92 (Highland Highway) – Call Utah County Sheriff Dispatch | 801-851-4000 |
Fire Department (American Fork) | 801-763-3040 |
Public Schools
Cedar Ridge Elementary | 801-610-8103 |
Deerfield Elementary | 801-610-8106 |
Mountain Ridge Jr. High | 801-610-8758 |
Lone Peak High School | 801-610-8810 |
American Fork High School | 801-610-8575 |
Alpine School District | 801-610-8400 |
Other Community Services/Utilities
Post Office (Pleasant Grove) | 801-785-5589 |
Rocky Mountain Power (electricity) | 1-888-221-7070 |
Dominion Energy (formerly Questar Gas) | 1-800-323-5517 |
Waste Management (call city office for toter management) | 801-785-9668, ext. 0 |
Waste Management 24-hour Call Center (call for missed pickup) | 801-785-3000, option 4 |
North Pointe SWSSD – Landfill Transfer Station (Lindon) | 801-225-8538 |
Timpanogos Special Service District (sewer treatment) | 801-756-5231 |
Animal Shelter (Lindon) | 801-785-3442 |
Motor Vehicle Title & Registration | 1-800-368-8824 |
Driver License Office (Orem) | 801-965-4437 |
Passports (Cedar Hills) | 801-785-9668, ext. 503 |
Request Phone Book (Dex Distribution Center) | 1-800-888-8448 |
Social Security Administration | 801-377-5651 |
UDOT Region 3 Orem Office | 801-227-8000 |
United Way Referral Service | Dial 211 |
Utah County Elections Office | 801-851-8128 |
Utah County Health Dept. (American Fork) | 801-851-7333 |
Utah County Treasurer (property taxes) | 801-851-8244 |
US Forest Service (Ranger Station) | 801-785-3563 |
Poison Control | 1-800-222-1222 |
Blue Stakes (Call before you dig!) | dial 811 |
USU Extension Services (report bee swarms) | 801-851-8463 |